Flexible Pricing Options For You.

Tailordom provides flexible pricing options to accomodate different requirements. Whether you are a freelancer, a small business or a large enterprise, we have plans tailored to meet specific needs and budget.

“Explore our pricing page to find the perfect plan that unlocks all the powerful features of Tailordom and takes your website to the next level”

Free Plan

Most Popular


per month

Basic features for 1 user.

  • Access to basic templates
  • Drag-and-drop website builder
  • 24/7 email support
  • Up to 3 pages per website
  • 1 GB storage
  • 3 Custom Forms
  • 2 websites per workspace
  • Unlimited Share
  • SSL Certificate

Starter Plan

Most Popular


per month

Basic features for up to 10 users.


    Everything in our Free plan plus....

  • Access to basic templates
  • Drag-and-drop website builder
  • Custom domain connection
  • 24/7 email support
  • Up to 5 pages per website
  • 2 GB storage
  • 10 Custom Forms
  • Basic Marketing tools integration
  • Unlimited Share
  • SSL Certificate

Growth plan

Most Popular


per month

Growing teams up to 20 users.


    Everything in our Starter plan plus....

  • All features in the Starter Plan, plus:
  • Access to premium templates
  • Marketing tools integration (email marketing, social media)
  • Enhanced analytics and reporting
  • Priority email support
  • Up to 20 pages per website
  • 10 GB storage
  • E-commerce capabilities (basic online store, payment integration)
  • Customizable website design elements
  • 20 Custom Forms
  • Unlimited Share
  • SSL Certification

Enterprise plan

Most Popular


per month

Advanced features + unlimited users.


    Everything in our Growth plan plus....

  • All features in the Growth Plan, plus:
  • Access to exclusive templates
  • Comprehensive marketing suite (CRM integration, advanced email marketing)
  • Detailed analytics and insights with custom reporting
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Unlimited pages per website
  • Unlimited storage
  • Advanced e-commerce capabilities (multi-currency support, advanced product management)
  • Custom API integrations
  • Premium support (24/7 phone and email support)
  • Unlimited Custom Forms
  • Payment processing

Tailordom Enterprise

Tailordom offers custom pricing and enterprise solutions tailored to meet the unique requirements of large organisations and agencies. Contact our sales team to discuss how Tailordom can be the perfect fit for your enterprise needs OR contact sales@tailordom.com

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